poMotion poetry

Ode to the legal system

with 4 comments

impossibly hidden right in front of our eyes
the system that keeps us safe is owned by the system that keeps us safe consulted by the system that keeps us safe
triangular connections to inform themselves
of what they already know, namely:
they are rich
law is expensive

the court room is the new temple
from on high
round people with furrowed brows
shoot lighting bolts of fact at us
fact one
I have been rich for most if not all of my life
fact two
I consider most people stupider than myself
fact three
people make poor choices
fact four
stockholders are better than ordinary people, further
stockholders don’t make bad choices
ipso facto:
men, women, children, cows, chickens, goats,  oceans, rivers, water, air, ground, earth, sky, universe

are second
to stockholders

by Brian Feist

Written by lickmypoetry

August 28, 2010 at 11:28 am

Posted in poem, poetry, Random

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4 Responses

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  1. The seems to make more jobs for lawyers.


    August 28, 2010 at 8:10 pm

  2. blood flows from the playgrounds into thoroughfares of virtual capital class deniaiability. Those who have always been rich probably could not locate the term ‘vile dictum’ tho it is from adm smith’s wealthof nations admonishing and failing to shame the 1st industrialists to take the invisible hand metaphor seriously
    in this real world today the mass rape of whole villages is probably very unpleasant for most stockholders but the show must go on and the steady hands of managers ‘stay the course’ of course the course is vitaly important for ‘our’ national intrests’ and much like the diaspora of the iraqis and afgans the killing is agonizing but ends with finite commas that w bush refered to in his history lessons for future tea bagger grandchildren recruits. tom delay is the model all stock holders can rely on
    especially if their brain dies on the guerny reserved for freedom and our way of life. Thelodious monk rarely talked the last ten years of life, he said simply that he felt it a waste of time.dietrich bonhoffer’s brother’s last letter to his family conveyed the desire for death because he could not stand the depravity embodied in his torturers faces every day that of h himmler. cannot blame him and i’m getting there with the word; justcan’t stand the cant and the the poor fools are not afraid to panic and sidestep anynotion that their world no longer exists jeez i guess thepoem you wrote struck a cord namaste jg


    August 30, 2010 at 6:04 pm

  3. Triangles are so strong. They are said to bring balance. It is so depressing when one realizes that what s/he thought was right is wrong. In fact the whole of our courts, our laws, don’t hold stock. Great poem!


    August 31, 2010 at 12:06 am

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